Afghan children have known nothing but conflict their entire lives.


We improve the health of children and families so children no longer die of preventable illnesses and live past their fifth birthday.


We create greater access to quality education and ensure that children are able to learn in safe environments.


We ensure children are safe at all times and prevent their exposure to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence.



When disaster strikes, we ensure that children are given care and emotional support to survive, recover and continue to learn and live a normal life.

Learn from these Afghan children how to smile on the face of your problem.
Your problems can never be more and stronger than theirs.

The Challenges for Children in Afghanistan

There is not a single child in Afghanistan today that has not grown up amidst conflict.

Chronic conflict and political instability have strained Afghanistan throughout its modern history. Extreme natural disasters, especially droughts, have only made matters worse, thrusting the country’s economy and infrastructure into ruins and its people into extreme poverty.

Afghanistan is among the worst conflict-affected countries to be a child. Tragically, millions of Afghan children are growing up in high-intensity conflict zones, forcing many families to flee. Over half of the world’s refugees come from three countries – Afghanistan ranks second, at 2.7 million.

Save Afghan Childern

Let this be a loud cry for Afghan childrenwho need support, wherever they are.

Going hungry or wanting to go to school in Afghanistan, or in limbo in a crushing asylum system –  there is not a single one of us that does not owe them our attention, support and protection.
We cannot abandon Afghanistan, and let us be clear that that obligation transcends borders; protect and provide aid to those Afghans still in Afghanistan and welcome and support those Afghans who have fled.
Now is the time to act to give Afghan children the future they deserve; one where their bellies are full, their minds and bodies are strong, and above all, where they are free, and safe.”


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